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Welcome to XE Defense, your trusted partner in safeguarding what matters most. Our comprehensive security solutions and expertise provide the highest level of safety and peace of mind for individuals, families, and businesses alike.

Welcome to
XE Defense

XE Defense is a leading provider of comprehensive protection services and information security solutions. With a team of highly trained professionals and cutting-edge technology, we are committed to safeguarding individuals, families, businesses, and organizations from evolving threats.


Discover the comprehensive range of cutting-edge security services offered by XE Defense to ensure your personal and business protection needs are met with utmost professionalism and efficiency.

Risk Assessment

Our comprehensive risk assessment services, including in-country risk analysis, protection planning, property audits, industry-specific assessments, and occupational health and safety, ensures safety and security in every endeavor.

Close Protection

Our close protection services are designed to provide a high level of personal security to individuals facing potential risks. Whether you are a VIP, executive, politician, celebrity, or high-profile individual, our experienced close protection officers will ensure your safety and minimize any disruptions to your daily activities.

Residential Security

Home is where you should feel the safest. XE Defense offers residential security services to protect you and your family in the comfort of your own home. Our close protection officers work alongside your existing security arrangements to maintain the highest levels of privacy and security.

Executive Protection

We understand the importance of a safe and hassle-free environment for your staff, VIP visitors, and executives. Our corporate protection services ensure that your organization or workplace remains secure, allowing your business to thrive without compromising safety.

Asset Protection

Integrating technology with manpower, we offer asset protection services that combine advanced security systems with skilled personnel. Our experts will assess your critical infrastructure and provide tailor-made solutions to safeguard your assets effectively.

Technical Protection

XE Defense utilizes cutting-edge technology to provide technical protection measures. From advanced SMART CCTV systems monitored through our state-of-the-art Physical Security Operations Centre (PSOC) to enhanced tracking systems, our technical solutions reduce costs while enhancing security.

Protective Surveillance

When discreet protection is required, our officers provide protective surveillance services. With a low-profile approach, we employ careful planning and covert strategies to ensure your safety without drawing unnecessary attention.


XE Defense’s anti-poaching units protect wildlife using cutting-edge technology and highly trained agents with backgrounds in former military and specialized units, ensuring the safety and preservation of our precious wildlife.

Work with Us

At XE Defense, we prioritize the unique needs and requirements of our clients. To explore our services and discuss your security concerns, please reach out to our team. We are available 24/7 to provide consultations and develop a personalized security strategy that fits your specific situation.


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